Bexams shop

Bexams shop

 Bexams shop handmade by Rebecca Buxton

Rebecca is an artist, textile artist, author and illustrator base in Nottingham.  She mainly works with needle felting, painting, sewing, cards making, drawing and mix media. Her work explores themes of nature of living things that highlight hidden beauty. She is keen on exploring the contrast between the seen/unseen. Her inspirations are often autobiographies of influence by shapes and forms from nature. She likes to explore different mediums and techniques and loves new challenges.   

She wrote a book call ' The Perils of Blossom and Basil - A book all about bees'. This highlights why bees are so important to nature and why they are struggling to survive . 

Her next book,  'Prickelus Gets Caught - A book all about Hedgehogs', is coming soon. This book highlight why hedgehogs are struggling to survive due to small changes in the weather and environment. 

The photo shows Rebecca holding a hedgehog from Hedgepigs, a rescue centre run by volunteers in Nottinghamshire.

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